Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spots ONLY weakness --- Cookies

Weak souls always set to work at the wrong time.
Cardinal De Rets
The weak are the most treacherous of us all. They come to the strong and drain them. They are bottomless. They are insatiable. They are always parched and always bitter. They are everyone's concern and like vampires they suck our life's blood.Bette Davis1908-1989,
American Actress, Producer
The weak are more likely to make the strong weak than the strong are likely to make the weak strong.Marlene Dietrich1904-1992, German-born American Film ActorOur strength grows out of our weakness.
Ralph Waldo Emerson1803-1882, American Poet, Essay
Spots ONLY weakness: Lady Beagles and Cookies
Google Spot Dunckel Soon Rlof


michael curry said...

Great blog spot you must remember never be weak stay strong...
michael curry -google me

Hank Dunckel said...

Michael Curry

Thanks for stopping by my paws place on the web. It is very
hard now to keep my paws on the ground as you can Google Me and find me on the Top of Page #1 Bark!

Spot Dunckel Google Me Soon Rlof

Ask Jim Lucier said...

awesome, spot definitely deserves an extra cookie for the work here
Jim Lucier - Google Me