Thursday, August 13, 2009

Enthusiasm Quotes

Enthusiasm Quotes

A man can succeed at almost anything

for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.

Charles Schwab

But I find the best things I do,

I do when I'm trying to avoid doing something else

I'm supposed to be doing.

You know, you're working on something.

You get bugged, or you lose your enthusiasm or something.

So you turn to something else with an absolute vengeance.

Norton Juster

Enthusiasm glows, radiates, permeates

and immediately captures everyone's interest.

Paul J. Meyer

Faked enthusiasm is worse than bad acting -

it is bad acting with the intent to deceive.

Bo Bennett

Enthusiasm is the mother of effort,

and without it nothing great was ever achieved.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.

Earl Nightingale

Beagles have great enthusiasm looking

for that Big Fat Rabbit.

Spot Dunckel
We all have Great Enthusiasm for Ethos FR +

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