Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Anger Quotes

Anger Quotes
Anger Photos LoL

It takes two flints to make a FIRE
Louise May Alcott
1832, 1888 American Author

The best remedy for short temper is a long walk
Joseph Joubert
1754-1824, French Moralist

I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend.
Abraham Lincoln
1890-1865, Sixteenth President of the USA
Between the anvil and the hammer.
German Proverb
“I lose my temper, but it’s all over in a minute.”
Said the student “So is the hydrogen bomb”
I replied “But Think of the damage it produces!”
" I never let anger get in the way of a good cookie LoL
Spot dunckel

1 comment:

One Star Health said...

"It takes two flints to make a FIRE" exactly, you may not have control over the "other" flint lol, but you do have control over your own "flint" :) Thanks Spot :)